Conscience animale - Déclaration de New-York (2024) - Photo Dominic Hofbauer

Les animaux sont-ils conscients ? Oui, répond la science.

19 AVRIL 2024 : 12 ans après la célèbre Déclaration de Cambridge sur la conscience, un large collectif de scientifiques internationaux publie une Déclaration de New-York sur la conscience animale. Cette Déclaration souligne que, malgré les incertitudes qui demeurent, la conscience des animaux fait l’objet d’un vaste consensus scientifique. Elle nous appelle à prendre en considération le fait que beaucoup d’animaux sont conscients d’eux-mêmes lorsque nous prenons des décisions qui les concernent ou les affectent.

Si quelqu’un vous affirme un jour que les animaux ne sont pas conscients, invitez-le à mettre à jour ses connaissances ! En effet, douze ans après la célèbre Déclaration de Cambridge sur la conscience, une nouvelle déclaration scientifique a été publiée en avril dernier par l’université de New-York. Elle est soutenue par plus de 200 chercheurs – biologistes, éthologues, vétérinaires, neurologues – à travers le monde, émanant des Universités de Barcelone, Padoue, Oxford, Sydney, San Francisco, Moscou ou encore Paris, par exemple, et tient en trois paragraphes essentiels :

Ainsi, cette nouvelle déclaration dépasse le cadre de la Déclaration de Cambridge en incluant désormais les reptiles, les amphibiens et les poissons dans la liste des animaux considérés comme conscients. Autre nouveauté : elle appelle aussi le monde politique à se souvenir que beaucoup d’animaux sont conscients d’eux-mêmes lorsque des décisions qui les concernent ou les affectent sont prises.

Cet appel à la responsabilité sera-t-il entendu ? Changera-t-il la vie des innombrables animaux vivant dans les laboratoires ou les élevages, ou mourant par milliards dans les filets de pêche et les abattoirs ?

Signataires :

Kristin Andrews
Professor of Philosophy, York Research Chair in Animal Minds
York University

Jonathan Birch
Professor of Philosophy
London School of Economics and Political Science

Jeff Sebo
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies; Director of the Mind, Ethics, and Policy Program
New York University

Colin Allen
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
University of California, Santa Barbara

Konstantin Anokhin
Professor, Institute for Advanced Brain Studies
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Culum Brown 
Professor, School of Natural Sciences
Macquarie University

Gordon M. Burghardt
Alumni Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

David Chalmers
University Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science
New York University

Lars Chittka
Professor of Sensory and Behavioural Ecology
Queen Mary University of London

Nicola S. Clayton FRS
Professor of Comparative Cognition
University of Cambridge

Robyn Crook
Associate Professor of Biology
San Francisco State University

David Edelman
Visiting Scholar
Dartmouth College

Robert Elwood
Emeritus Professor of Animal Behaviour
Queen’s University Belfast

Becca Franks
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
New York University

Matilda Gibbons
Postdoctoral Researcher, Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania

Martin Giurfa
Exceptional-Class Professor of Neurosciences
Sorbonne University

Peter Godfrey-Smith
Professor, School of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Sydney

Simona Ginsburg
Associate Professor of Neurobiology (Retired)
Open University of Israel

Stevan Harnad
Université du Québec à Montréal

Eva Jablonka
Emeritus Professor, History and Philosophy of Science
Tel Aviv University

Christof Koch
President and Chief Scientist
Allen Institute for Brain Science

Jon Mallatt
Clinical Professor, WWAMI Medical Education Program
University of Washington at the University of Idaho

Jennifer Mather
Professor of Psychology
University of Lethbridge

Noam Miller
Associate Professor of Psychology and Biology
Wilfrid Laurier University

Liad Mudrik
Professor, School Of Psychological Sciences
Tel Aviv University

Lucia Melloni
Research Professor of Neurology
New York University School of Medicine

Diana Reiss
Professor of Psychology; Director of the Animal Behavior & Conservation MA Program
Hunter College

Irene M. Pepperberg
Research Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Boston University

Alexandra Schnell
Research Fellow
University of Cambridge

Anil Seth
Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
University of Sussex

MV (Srini) Srinivasan FRS
Emeritus Professor, Queensland Brain Institute
The University of Queensland

Narayanan Srinivasan
Professor, Department of Cognitive Science
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi
Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysuru

Bruno van Swinderen
Professor, Queensland Brain Institute
The University of Queensland

Naotsugu Tsuchiya
Professor, School of Psychological Sciences
Monash University

Cleo Verkuijl
Stockholm Environment Institute

Anna Wilkinson
Senior Lecturer, School of Life Sciences
University of Lincoln

Katrina Wyman
Wilf Family Professor of Property Law; Director of the Environmental and Energy Law LLM Program
New York University School of Law

Yossi Yovel
Associate Professor, School of Zoology, Sagol School of Neuroscience
Tel Aviv University


Inbal Ben-Ami Bartal
Assistant Professor of Psychobiology and Neuroscience
Tel-Aviv University

Charles Beasley
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
LUISS in Rome

Dorna Behdadi
Lecturer of Philosophy, Linguistics & Theory of Science
University of Gothenburg

Heather Browning
Lecturer in Philosophy
University of Southampton

Stephen R. L. Clark
Emeritus Professor of Philosophy
University of Liverpool

Andrew Crump
Lecturer in Animal Cognition & Welfare
Royal Veterinary College

Mike Dacey
Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy
Bates College

Nicolas Delon
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
College of Charleston

Leonard Dung
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Philosophy and AI Research
University Erlangen-Nürnberg

Nathan Faivre
Research Director, National Centre for Scientific Research
Université Grenoble Alpes

Andrew Fenton
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Dalhousie University

Josh A. Firth
Associate Professor of Behavioural Ecology
University of Leeds, UK

Bob Fischer
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Texas State University

Brian Glenney
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Norwich University

Cleo Grieve
Postgraduate Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture
University of Stirling

Jes Lynning Harfeld
Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning, Centre for Applied Philosophy
Aalborg University

Avram Hiller
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Portland State University

Kristina M. Horback
Associate Professor, Applied Ethology
University of California, Davis

L. Syd M Johnson
Associate Professor, Center for Bioethics & Humanities
Upstate Medical University

Angelica Kaufmann
Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Philosophy
University of Milan

Barbara J. King
Professor Emerita of Anthropology
William & Mary

Johannes Kleiner
Postdoctoral Researcher, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Mirjam Knörnschild
Professor of Evolutionary Ethology
Humboldt University of Berlin

Michael J. Kuba
Assistant Professor of Zoology
Department of Biology
University of Naples Federico II

Lori Marino
Adjunct Professor, Animal Studies
New York University

Antonio J. Osuna Mascaró
Postdoctoral Biologist, Goffin Lab, Messerli Research Institute
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Georgia Mason
Professor of Integrative Biology, Col. K. L. Campbell University Chair in Animal Welfare,
Director of the Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare
University of Guelph

Josh Milburn
Lecturer in Political Philosophy, Department of International Relations, Politics and History
Loughborough University

Albert Newen
Full professor of Philosophy
Institut für Philosophie II Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Leanne Proops
Associate Professor in Animal Behaviour and Welfare
University of Portsmouth

Michael J. Renner
Professor of Biology, Psychology, and Environmental Science
Drake University

Luke Roelofs
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
University of Texas, Arlington

Nissa Rudh
Fish Biologist, NOAA Fisheries
U.S. Department of Commerce

Carl Sachs
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Marymount University

Mark Sainsbury
Jesse H. Jones Professor in Liberal Arts
University of Texas at Austin

Murray Shanahan
Professor of Cognitive Robotics
Imperial College London

Henry Shevlin
Associate Director, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
University of Cambridge

Adam Shriver
The Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement
Drake University

Toni Sims
Researcher in Mind, Ethics, and Policy
New York University

Martyna Stachaczyk
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Philosophy Logic and Scientific Method
London School of Economics

Morten Tønnessen
Professor of Philosophy
University of Stavanger, Norway

Antonella Tramacere
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
RomaTre University

Cameron Rouse Turner
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Computational Cognitive Science Lab
Princeton University

Walter Veit
Lecturer in Philosophy
University of Reading

Elly Vintiadis
Associate Lecturer, Philosophy
The American College of Greece